Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Our Mandate!

Concordia Lions Club is an on campus organization that exists to promote and support both Concordia and the greater community. Using relational service events such as activities on campus and in the surrounding community, we strive to encourage peace and promote a universal understanding of humanitarian needs. Through these tangible actions we aim to strengthen student bonding and ultimately expand our influence from Concordia's campus out into the global community. Our volunteers have a mandate to bring about change through the formation of personal relationships and provide assistance for those in need.

Administrative Structure
- Organize the time and agenda for weekly meetings.
- Prepare goals for each meeting and delegate responsibilities to the members.
- Serve as the primary coordinator and point of contact!
Vice President:
- Assist President
- Take charge of a select number of activities.
- Act as stand-in for president.
- Oversee responsibilities delegated to others, assists, and supports as required.
- Deposit finances appropriately.
- Record, process, and maintain accurate financial records.
- Keeps monthly and semi annual reports to be submitted to the international office and to the board of directors of the club.
- Record the minutes of all general meetings.
- Forward the minutes to all through the web site.
- Maintain communication with external institution.

4. Process of Administrative Election:
Administrators will be elected for service every fall semester by vote. Every member present at the election meeting will be able to vote. Administrators will be elected after obtaining a majority vote in his or her favor.

5. Protocol for Constitutional Amendments:
An amendment to the constitution will be made only in a 2/3rds majority vote in favor of the amendment during the general meeting.

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